David Cohen, US Tech Lead at Wematch.live

We are thrilled to introduce you to another exceptional member of our team. Today, we’re sitting down with David Cohen, the US Tech Lead at Wematch.live, who will take us on his inspiring journey through the world of technology and his path to becoming an integral part of the Wematch family.

Wematch.live: Thank you for joining us today, David. Your journey from a Full Stack developer in France to a Tech Lead in the US is remarkable! Can you share with our readers how you initially ventured into the tech world and what inspired your journey to Wematch?

David: I began my career in France as a Full Stack developer, working for multiple companies. It was during this time that I received an exciting opportunity from Wematch to join their team as a Full Stack developer in Tel Aviv. A few months down the line, I was promoted to the position of Tech Lead for the EQD platform. Just a year later, I received another promotion, this time as the Tech Lead for the Wematch Securities Financing (WSF) US platform and was relocated to New York.

Wematch.live: An inspiring journey, David. I’m curious, what specific aspects of Wematch and its team attracted you the most when you first considered joining us?

David: To me, Wematch is like one big global family. From day one, every team member is ready to lend a helping hand. The platform itself is incredibly fascinating, and the management team is fully committed to fostering personal growth and professional development. Completing your work each day brings a sense of satisfaction that’s truly motivating.

Wematch.live: It’s clear that you’ve found a fulfilling environment at Wematch. Could you expand on what you find particularly meaningful or enjoyable about your day-to-day tasks?

David: Working alongside the team and striving to accomplish our daily tasks is what I find most meaningful. The impact of our work in production is visible each day, which is incredibly rewarding.

Wematch.live: Could you share some of the accomplishments you’re most proud of since you joined our team?

David: My proudest achievement has to be my own growth within the company. I began as a Full Stack developer and now serve as the US Tech Lead of a platform. Managing a team and working on projects where I can see my impact on the company’s success has been truly fulfilling.

Wematch.live: It’s great to see your commitment to personal growth. Can you tell us more about how Wematch has facilitated your growth and development within the company?

David: I’m now the Tech Lead of the US Platform and have relocated to New York to assist the office there. This opportunity provided by Wematch is incredibly valuable and speaks to the company’s commitment to growth and development.

Wematch.live: The sense of community and shared goals at Wematch seems to be a significant part of what you appreciate. What is your absolute favourite aspect of our culture and values?

David: The best part about our culture is the close-knit environment. I can have discussions and collaborate with our CEO, even amidst a busy schedule. That’s what defines Wematch – everyone’s dedication to the company’s success.

Wematch.live: Could you share what motivates and inspires you on a daily basis?

David: My daily inspiration comes from the desire to keep growing and to ascend higher within the company.

Wematch.live: It’s essential to have interests outside of work. What hobbies or passions do you indulge in when you’re not at the office?

David: Outside of work, my favourite pastime is spending quality time with my family.

Wematch.live: The best way to balance your life! If you could pick any skill to master, what would it be, and why?

David: I would love to master the skill of managing people. Saying you’re a manager is easy, but being a good manager is a real challenge, and I want to excel in it.

Wematch.live: What do you envision for your career in the next 3-5 years, and what are your long-term aspirations?

David Cohen: All the way to the top! In the next 3-5 years, my aim would be to become the Lead of the US activity within the company.

David’s journey from a Full Stack developer in France to the US Tech Lead at Wematch.live showcases the remarkable opportunities for growth and development within our global family. His passion for his work and dedication to personal and professional growth exemplify the spirit of Wematch. 

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories from our talented team members in the upcoming articles of “The Wematch Talent Project.”

If you’re interested in joining our innovative team, you can review our open roles at wematch.live/careers and check out our latest opportunities!


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