The Wematch Talent Project

The Wematch Talent Project is a blog series spotlighting the diverse professionals who drive’s continued success. By sharing their stories, we offer a glimpse into our culture and values, forging a connection between our team and our audience, fostering appreciation, and inspiring all who engage with our community. Each instalment provides a unique perspective on those fueling our growth and evolution.

Lihi Bitton Benifla, Head of Human Resources, Tel Aviv Office

Astrid Levy, Office Manager, Paris Office

Ben Cullen, Senior Product Manager, London Office

Amnon Hassin, Global Program Manager, Tel Aviv Office

Stéphan Demoulin, Head of Sales and RM EMEA, Paris Office

Erga Sagi, Global Finance Team, Tel Aviv Office

David Cohen, US Tech Lead at

Mitch Pearce, IT Manager, London Office

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